There are three stages to ordering your bespoke drawer pack:
- Enter the overall dimensions and number of drawers
- Select the drawer runner system and material the drawboxes are to be made from
- Add any special requirements
When you press the ‘Build drawer pack configuration’ button below our system will generate a preview of your drawer pack and give you the price.
Drawer pack configurator
Drawerpack name
If you would like to order several drawerpacks please give them a name to help manage them
Number of drawers
Choose drawer runner system
{( option.label )}
{( label )}
Price guide {( "£".repeat( drawerpackopts.runners[code].pricecode ) )}Aesthetics: {( drawerpackopts.runners[code].aesthetics )}
Choose drawer box system
{( drawerpackopts.drawerbox[option.label].label )}
{( drawerpackopts.drawerbox[option.label].label )}
Price guide {( "£".repeat( drawerpackopts.drawerbox[option.label].pricecode ) )}Aesthetics: {( drawerpackopts.drawerbox[option.label ].aesthetics )}
Choose drawer opening action
{( drawerpackopts.openingaction[option.label].label )}
{( drawerpackopts.openingaction[option.label].label )}
Price guide {( "£".repeat( drawerpackopts.openingaction[option.label].pricecode ) )}Drawer proportions
Optional. Drawer sizes can be varied by setting proportion percentages here e.g. for two drawers 50% 50%
Specify a percentage for each drawer or keep blank for equal sized drawers
Specify a percentage for each drawer or keep blank for equal sized drawers
Routed handle choices
Drawer packers
Drawerpack will fit inside cabinet behind a door and packing pieces will be supplied to clear the hinges
Zero-protrusion hinges
Drawerpack will fit inside cabinet behind a door hinged with zero-protrusion hinges
Cost for this configuration : £{( cabcost )}
We have checked the drawerpack parameters provided and we cannot realise this specification for the following reasons:
Please correct the issues then press the Build drawerpack configuration button again